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about us

Circles of Light was founded with the intention of loving and raising the consciousness of the inhabitants of planet earth by embodying the principles of Universal Law. 

We Believe:

…in the Absolute Being of the One manifesting principle which we call God; and that all that IS, is a part of the One;

…that God is good and everything is God, there-fore there is no inherent evil, only the misuse of Divine Law;

…that there is no death, only passing from one plane of consciousness to another, and that everything that ever was is now and ever shall be; and that man, created  in the image and likeness of Unlimited IAM Consciousness continues evolving toward an awareness of him/herself as One with God;

…that Life is a game, and as with any other, there are rules and strategies, i.e.,  immutable Universal Principles, which must be learned and utilized.  We are dedicated to teaching each player how to successfully move through the ascending phases of consciousness that ultimately lead to Self-Realization.



All across the United States, as well as in such exotic locations as Egypt, China, Malaysia, and Ghana, groups of like-minded individuals form “Circles of Light,” led and inspired by visionary founder, Dr. Carolyne Fuqua.  Transforming the lives of untold thousands of people, Dr. Carolyne, lovingly known as “Isis,” (pronounced Ezeese) continuously travels the globe, ministering to what she considers her seven billion member family, as a spiritual harbinger of both personal and planetary healing through the power of love.

A graduate of UCLA and the University of Metaphysics, Dr. Carolyne Fuqua holds Master’s Degrees in Religious Philosophy and History, and Bachelor’s Degrees in History, Foreign Languages, and Religion.  She has a Ph.D. in Comparative Religions and is fluent in three foreign languages.

As founder of Circles of Light Ministries and a recognized leader in the transformational movement, Dr. Carolyne leads groups of people all over the world through life-transforming circle evenings, weekend retreats and purposeful journeys to sacred places as part of her traveling ministry. As a master teacher of Egyptian mysticism, Dr. Carolyne grounds her teaching in Universal Law and metaphor, the keys to unlocking our memory of our true purpose. She leads sold-out mystery-school pilgrimages to Egypt, wherein participants are invited to transcend the mundane and unlock the ancient mysteries of the Nile

In her continual pursuit of raising this planet, Dr. Carolyne, along with her husband, Harvey Fuqua, founded The Foundation for the S.T.A.R.S. (Souls Taking Action Reaching Souls), a nonprofit organization that addresses some of the difficulties that plague underprivileged youth in the inner-cities of America. Under the S.T.A.R.S. umbrella, they created The From Me to We Foundation to expand the mission to youth in developing countries, and the S.T.A.R.S. (Singers Taking Action Reaching Souls), an international vocal ensemble, whose sole purpose is to uplift the planet through song. Dr. Carolyne has also been instrumental in the Adopt-A-Village Program in Egypt, engaged in soul supporting work in Begoro Village in Ghana, and participated in a discourse with prime ministers, ambassadors, and members of Parliament on future humanitarian efforts in Uganda.

Dr. Carolyne continues to find new ways to reach the hearts and minds of her students. She created the F.L.O.W.E.R.S., (The Formidable Love of Women Elegantly Revealing Sisterhood) and the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S. (The Brotherhood Restoring Oneness to Humanity’s Elegantly Rising Son) organizations for the purpose of bonding and creating a global community of like-minded women and men who are committed to expressing and celebrating Divinity in the Earth plane. In addition, to provide a center for true higher learning, Dr. Carolyne established the Circles of Light Institute of Technology, an institute focused on learning for the purpose of spiritual awakening.

Among her many talents, Dr. Carolyne is the author of the ground-breaking works The Keys to the Kingdom Volume I & II, which includes in Volume I: Mastering the Game of Life, Impartial Self Observation: the Key to Self Realization, Say Yes to the Goddess, Say Yes to Life and in Volume II: This One’s for the Men, Get the Behind Me, and Mastering the Game II. Also, she has the distinction of being a gold-record producer, hit songwriter and performer.  Her love of music has her travel the globe singing with The S.T.A.R.S., lifting hearts and souls through the transformative power of song.

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